Double Chocolate Protein Pancakes
Regular flour pancakes are carbohydrate laden belly bombs and don’t contribute towards our fitness goals in any way. Don’t you agree? In my previous posts, I have mentioned the importance of upgrading the ingredients in your favorite food to make…
Avocado Jicama Salad
Are you guys excited about the warm weather in NYC? I am loving the sunshine and the assurance that beach season is not too far. Lately, in anticipation of visiting the beach soon, I have been making this…
Ground Chicken and Spinach Stir Fry
Ground Chicken and Spinach Stir Fry is undoubtedly one of the easiest and quickest dish to make. You can substitute ground chicken by ground meat of your choice or you can add tofu to make it vegetarian.…
Spinach Quinoa Crepe
These Spinach Quinoa crepes are so much better than bread and rice. They are light and loaded with flavor. The batter can be made in advance and will stay in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 2 days…
Bikini Burgers
Lately, I have been on a veggie burger experimentation spree – burger that will not require you to take hours of nap after eating and is easy (easy equals to less than 30 minutes preparation and cooking…