Pineapple Lassi and Spicy Curry Challenge
If you like to add extra hot sauce or eat super spicy food, you most likely know what it feels to have your mouth on fire. Recently, I agreed to participate in a spicy curry challenge with my…
Cashew Milk with Honey and Persimmon
I fell in love with cashew milk, ever since I had it for the first time in Atlanta, two years ago. I make it at home with raw cashews along with some dates, honey for sweetness and a tiny pinch…
Breakfast Barley Bowl
Are you all set for New Year’s Eve? More importantly are you ready for a food cleanse? December was all about Holiday parties, Christmas celebrations and New Year’s Eve parties tomorrow. Although, I was careful with my meals,…
Detox Smoothie
From Christmas shopping and house cleaning/decorating to attending and hosting the holiday parties, holiday season can get quite overwhelming. If you are looking to detox your body and revitalize your health, and if you can spare five…
Blackberry Coffee Cake
Do you ever get tired of eating the same thing for breakfast everyday? I definitely do. To bust the routine breakfast boredom and keep the weekday breakfast interesting, I present to you The Blackberry Coffee Cake. It is…
Cheeku – Cashew Smoothie
Cheeku aka Sapota is one of the most popular tropical fruits in India, Malaysia and Central America. As a child I grew up eating Cheeku almost everyday and when I moved to the US I never saw them, until…
Quinoa-Oats Bowl with Dark Chocolate and Fresh Fruits
Happy Hump Day Folks!! I had no plans to post anything on the blog today, until I woke up to the cold and windy weather. This recipe although not fancy, is super comforting and it would be…
Prickly Pear and Watermelon Smoothie
Hold your pumpkin lattes and cookies – I have one last super refreshing smoothie recipe before Summer really ends. Fruit concoctions save me when it comes to vitamins and nutrition. They are quite filling and a great meal…
Fig and Date Smoothie
If you are looking for a refreshing, filling, delicious, nutritious and super quick breakfast or lunch or a mid day snack… this smoothie is for you! Highly customizable, the recipe below makes two servings, feel free to…
Baked Egg in the Basket
We all have heard the expression – “Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and Dine like a Pauper”. Although, I wouldn’t really call my dinners pauper-ish, I do prefer consuming the bulk of my calories…